The Centre for Developmental and Applied Research in Education (CeDARE: ) at the University of Wolverhampton is based in the Faculty of Education Health and Well Being (FEHW). CeDARE specialises in curriculum innovation and design, continuing professional development design, research and impact evaluations. FEHW practitioners have expertise in: course design and delivery, tool development and digital learning. As a nationally-recognised provider of teacher education the Institute of Education has programmes that lead to qualified teacher status in primary, secondary, vocational and higher education. We are at the cutting ––edge in terms of digital technology in education with projects in mobile, gaming and the use of e portfolios and e -blended learning. In 2011 we completed a World Bank funded programme with Palestinian Universities developing their teacher training programmes with technology and have memorandums of co-operation with Birzeit and Hebron Universities. We also work closely with UNRWA in region.
University of Wolverhampton
Karl Royle
Director of Curriculum Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at CeDARE, where he works as in research, development and consultancy working on national training and impact evaluation projects (see He is an expert in digital pedagogy, learning object design and digital skills development in teacher education. He has considerable experience of project management (Agile/ Scrum) and materials development for screen and print-based media in teacher education, professional development and education management. His interests are the skills, habits and affordances of ubiquitous technology and its transfer to education.
John Traxler
John Traxler is Professor of Digital Learning, probably the world’s first and a full UK Professor, at the University of Wolverhampton. He is a Founding Director of the International Association for Mobile Learning, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning and of Interactive Learning Environments. He recently wrote the ICT in Education Policy for UNRWA (2014), as well as working with the South African Department of Basic Education. John is an internationally recognized expert in the field of digital learning, a thought leader but also an expert trainer.
Diana Bannister
Diana is Assistant Director of Pedagogic Partnerships and Head of Postgraduate provision in the Institute of Education. Diana has a wealth of experience of the effective use of learning technologies within teaching and learning and the development of future learning spaces. She works with individual teachers, schools, colleges, and with Ministries of Education and commercial suppliers to undertake all aspects of strategic development and research leading to more effective use of learning technologies. Most recently Diana has led the observation, documentation of practice and continuing professional development across the Living Schools Lab Project and the Creative Classrooms Lab project.
David Scott
David is a multidisciplinary research assistant within the Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing, with a strong interest in qualitative research methodologies. His doctoral thesis was a cross-disciplinary exploration of the impact of sport-for-development courses upon individuals’ identities. He also worked as a principal investigator on a knowledge exchange voucher research project with the Open University and WallJAM Ltd. David is currently working on a number of research projects across the University of Wolverhampton, the most notable of which is an evaluation of the University’s Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) scheme. He is also contributing to research projects in psychology (intellectual disabilities and the elections), health (a systematic review of literature regarding the use and impact of sensory rooms) and sport (evaluating walking football), among others.


DISCLAIMER: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact Details

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh,
The University of Jordan, Jordanrsity of Jordan, Jordan
